Yellow-Bellied Slider

Eastern populations have a yellow spot behind their eye which is the most recognizable characteristic for identification in the field; juvenile turtles have brilliant yellow markings. Vertical yellow bands streak the carapace (top of shell), while the plastron (bottom of shell) is mainly yellow. Older turtles tend to lose these patterns and end up being darker and harder to recognize. Sliders are also distinguishable from other turtles by their rounded lower jaw; all other groups of turtles have flat jaws. In addition, sliders are typically more highly domed than cooters. Sliders range from 5 to 12 inches (12.5-30.5 cm) in carapace length.

Feeding/Diet: Juveniles mainly take advantage of aquatic bugs, while adults are primarily herbivorous.

Activity/Behavior: This types is one of the most conspicuous basking turtles throughout its range. They beware baskers and slide into the water whenever interrupted. These turtles are sometimes found on land, and females are most regularly encountered in spring while they are looking for a nesting site.

Habitat/Range: Sliders are not very particular about the aquatic habitats they occupy, but choose rivers, ditches, lakes, and ponds.

Reproduction: Nesting happens in late spring or early summertime near water. Nests normally contain 4 to 12 eggs, and some hatchlings will overwinter in their nests (this info provided by

Miscellaneous: Another sub-species, the red-eared slider, is a typical fish tank pet. They have actually been launched and ended up being established in areas outside their native range, where they frequently out contend native turtle species.


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