A still image from The Bicycle

Bicycle Racing Movies

The Flying Scotsman doesn't have probably the most memorable cycling moments into the lot, but it isn't quick on determination. Graeme Obree is Rocky on a bicycle.

This is certainly the initial biking documentaries that paved just how the others that then followed. Such as the subject indicates, this documentary follows the movie stars from 1973 Giro d'Italia in addition to lesser-known watercarriers whom suffered silently and out from the limelight.

Don't let this quirky animated French film trick you—it's one of the great cycling movies of all time. And there's scarcely any dialogue, so you wont need to worry about subtitles. The storyline employs a child that is determined grandmother trains him is next winner of this journey de France. Triplets won the Oscar for Top Animated international Film in 2004.

One of the more torturous single-day events on earth, this documentary tracks the 1976 version of Paris Roubaix and also the war between famous competitors Eddy Merckx and Roger De Vlaeminck. If you should ben't acquainted Paris Roubaix or Merckx, this film will open up your eyes to a whole new world of cycling. It is just like it gets.

10 of 11

A Dennis Quaid may possibly not be the essential believable cyclist, but this movie is filled with charm. The movie employs a tiny city man (Dennis Christopher) who may have huge desires to become a professional cyclist in Italy. Breaking Away won an Academy Award for Best Screenplay in 1980 and had been selected for four other awards.

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